As one of the most iconic cigar brands in the world, Cohiba needs little introduction. Five years ago, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, a collaboration was announced between Cohiba and watchmaker Zenith – creator of the legendary1969 El Primero movement. It was a seismic moment in watchmaking – an ambitious construction which set a new standard for chronograph accuracy measuring up to 1/10th of a second. This accomplishment was possible as a result of the El Primero’s (meaning ‘the first’ in Spanish) higher frequency or beat-rate, at 36,600 vibrations per hour vs the more standard variations of 19,800/21,600 of the day. This year, Zenith celebrates the 55th anniversary of Cohiba with a 55-piece limited edition Chronomaster Open. The 42mm stainless steel timepiece is reimagined with immediately recognisable Cohiba colours and design. On the dial, the saffron yellow, white and black-chequered motif of its paper bands appear. Yellow chronograph seconds hands add to the aesthetic fluency of the piece, finished with a black alligator leather strap and protective rubber lining.
Just as precious as the entirely hand-rolled and masterfully blended cigars of Cohiba, the El Primero 4061 automatic movement within the commemorative Chronomaster Open beats with the power of 36,000 vibrations per hour; approximately 600 times per minute or 10 times per second. This has the dual advantage of offering superior chronometric accuracy – it self-corrects quicker than other timepieces at 4 Hz or lower – as well as conferring the precision of recording 1/10th of a second when the chronograph is deployed.