Charming chameleons
A pendant that’s also a ring, or a watch that’s also a bracelet – multi-wear, transformable jewellery pieces are both versatile and intriguing at the same time. We take a look at four.
The everyday piece: Mattia Cielo prides itself on incorporating state-ofthe- art engineering in its jewellery design. In this ring from the Pavone collection, each segment is movable.
Hands off: Pull open the ring until the end segments meet, and it is transformed into an elegant pendant that loosely resembles a flower.
Mattia Cielo
The everyday piece: The blue-green colours of turquoise, Paraiba tourmalines and enamel in this necklace from the Summer in Provence collection calls to mind the landscape in the south of France during the hottest season of the year.
Easter-egg hunt: Attach the egg pendant in a matching colour scheme to create the statement Egg Necklace that is unmistakably Faberge.
The everyday piece: A bracelet featuring 152.96 carats of small white diamonds framing a mammoth 38.13-carat D flawless pear-shaped diamond from Graff ’s diamond mine. Remove the stone to wear it as a statement solitaire ring.
Split seconds: Insert a watch face into the space left by the diamond to create The Fascination jewellery timepiece.
Graff Diamonds
The everyday piece: In Damiani’s Animalia collection, a gecko, owl, dragonfly or fish perch on colourful cuffs of stingray skin to make a fun piece of statement jewellery for the young-at-heart.
Wear it on your heart: For formal occasions, the animal can be detached and worn as a brooch or pendant.