With how the world is increasingly becoming virtual, it was inevitable that someone would come along to offer an irresistible element of choice to interested buyers. In the case of Malaysia’s leading online diamond e-commerce retailer Zcova, that someone was actually a dynamic duo of brothers Ziwei Low, the company’s Managing Director and Ziyin Low, its Creative Director.

They co-founded the company in 2015 after Ziwei had realised that he had purchased an engagement ring at an inflated price. He belatedly sought the advice of his brother Ziyin – a gemmologist by profession. Ziyin’s life path had seen him immersed in a career journey that took him to Beirut, Lebanon’s diamond industry where he also furthered his discipline as an appraiser, rough diamond grader and designer. Zcova was thus founded, on the back of this mutual belief that the new generation would embrace an online-first approach and transparent process of selecting and purchasing diamonds. In the six years since, this decision has been validated by a growth trajectory where revenue has doubled every year.

A key ingredient in its growth is its innovative approach to selling diamonds online. Zcova’s 10x Magnification 360-degree videos provide a better viewing experiencing than even seeing it in real life. Then there is the utilisation of 3D renders and 3D printed rings enabling customers to try their custom-made designs before production. GIA-certified gemmologists also offer virtual consultations and augmented reality is employed to offer virtual rings for prospective clients to ‘try-on’.

Across that time, some of the challenges related to order fulfilment has also become precious memories such as when the brothers needed to source for 160 emerald diamonds for a four-piece tennis bracelet set.
For the brothers all this is part of the journey to reach their next milestone, which is to bring gemstone jewellery to a younger generation. Their belief is that this online generation will be perfectly at ease navigating the virtual repository they have built – an International Colored Gemstone Laboratory (ICL)-certified gemstones, each one backed by a certificate, which its design team will incorporate into customised jewellery. “Anyone can now design their dream jewellery pieces at just a click away,” Ziwei says. Robb Report Malaysia caught up with the two to see how these trailblazing personalities have fared in a time of pandemic.
What has been your personal indulgence during Stay At Home/MCO
What have you done recently for the first time?
Ziyin: Something I’ve discovered recently is leather crafting and I’ve quickly become very fond of it. It’s a very interesting craft that requires both precision and patience. Definitely something that I will continue to pursue during my free time.
The first thing you do in the morning?
What advice do you wish you followed?
Ziyin: I have an English teacher who used to quote Benjamin Franklin to us in school –
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. It is a quote I hold dearly, but it is easier said than done. It’s a reminder to continue learning and improving myself no matter how difficult it is.
What item or wardrobe accessory do you wear most often?
What do you most crave at the end of the day?
How do you find calm?
The one piece of gemstone which you wish you could admire in person?
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Favourite websites?
When was the last time you were completely unplugged?
Who do you most admire and why?
What is worth paying?
Your last Netflix binge?
The one place you would fly to once borders reopen for international travel and why?