The Lamborghini Community Malaysia Explores The Old And New Of Historical Melaka

As the rays of dawn illuminated the Lamborghini Kuala Lumpur showroom, the members of the Lamborghini Community Malaysia (LCM) arrived. Waiting for them was the team from Motorsport Playground, who affixed stickers to the cars to signal this Melaka Drive.

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On the drive, a strong sense of camaraderie saw the LCM members enjoy a relaxed cruise that took them into their first stop: the beachside Straits Mansion Melaka, located in Tanjung Kling. Here, the drivers had a chance to stretch their legs, enjoy fresh coconuts, and dig into the restaurant’s a la minute cuisine of seafood paella and vongole pasta. In addition, a grill fired-up tiger prawns, baked fish, and chicken skewers—making this lunch stop a really enjoyable and delicious one.

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Back on the road and the LCM found themselves the main centre of attraction at JT International School for their food fair. The LCM members also toured the booths before heading back to Casa del Rio Melaka for a siesta and to freshen up for the evening’s activities.

Adding plenty of horsepower to the JT International School food fair.
Adding plenty of horsepower to the JT International School food fair.

As the sun began sinking into the horizon, the sky was awash with dusty pink hues and gold—a most dramatic landscape in a city steeped with history and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A bit of that living history would come to the fore as the convoy pulled into the Portuguese Settlement for a delicious meal of local and Kristang cuisine, served in an authentic and unblemished way.

Parking formation at Casa del Rio.
Parking formation at Casa del Rio.

Post-dinner, the touristic delights of Jonker Walk beckoned and the group of members, led by LCM’s Malaccan homeboy Dato’ Sri Daniel Ng, were introduced to some of the best spots for chilling out, drinks, and an all-around good time. There was time yet the next day to sneak in yet another meal, this time at Peranakan food specialist Baba Ang, with an assortment of house favourites, including rendang ayam, pongteh ayam, udang cili garam, kari kambing, and ikan lemak nenas.

A golden Melaka greeting as the LCM heads out for dinner.
A golden Melaka greeting as the LCM heads out for dinner.

Photography: Ken Lim / Momenz Creation

Videography: SK Seaw & Tan Wei Keat / Momenz Creation

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