Kickoff your arctic adventure from warm and toasty Skaret Lodge, Norway

From £4,399 per person


  • Luxe Island Retreat package consisting of four days three nights lodging
  • All meals catered for, and featuring fresh local produce
  • Plus a personal chef preparing all evening dinners
  • An on-call concierge available anytime
  • Private dog-sledding experience from you doorstep
  • Private Northern Lights experience with a Northern Lights expert

Located on Ringvassøya, Norway’s sixth largest island, Skaret Lodge has only just opened for its first winter season. Bringing indulgence and luxury to the Arctic landscape, you’ll receive a first-hand introduction to Scandinavian culture and Northern Norwegian wildlife from sea to summit. Already a popular site for skiers, hikers and hunters, Skaret Lodge itself is situated at the beginning of Grønnliskaret, a scenic ridge following the terrain westwards to the sea.

On this Ultimate Gift, you’ll chase the Aurora Borealis with a professional guide using laser pointers, sensitive cameras and night vision goggles. And as the expert teaches you to track the celestial objects within the Andromeda Galaxy (including the famed Demon Star), their story-telling will unveil the alchemy that surrounds the Aurora and its colours, and how solar storms from space influence Aurora activity.

The adventure continues with man’s best friend, as you dog-sled with powerful Alaskan Huskies through the vast expanse of the frozen north. Experienced mushers will guide you throughout, making sure you’ll have as much fun as the dogs enjoy their exercise. As a plus, you may be asked to cuddle with husky puppies as their handlers aim to get pups socialised early. And who better to do the dreary work than new and excited visitors?

At additional expense, those who are able may hunt grouse. One of Europe’s most popular game-birds, you’ll receive official hunting permissions, your own retrieving hunting dogs, and access to some of the best Norwegian terrain available.

The Skaret Lodge Luxe Island Retreat will be available till the end of March from £4,399 per person. To purchase, please leave your details on the request form, or click on this link.


Kickoff your arctic adventure from warm and toasty Skaret Lodge, Norway

From £4,399 per person

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