Cindy Yeung, Chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery, On Modernising Jade And Balancing Passion

With her perfectly coiffed hair and elegant demeanour, Cindy Yeung could easily be mistaken for a TVB actress. Yeung, however, is a savvy entrepreneur who’s the chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery, and the creative director behind her jewellery brand, Emperor Jewellery.

A third-generation leader, Yeung is akin to a modern-day princess, being the daughter of Albert Yeung, the founder and chairman of Emperor Group. Dubbed Hong Kong’s King of Clocks and Watches, Albert built a multi-industry empire with interests ranging from property to entertainment from his father Yeung Shing’s singular watch shop.

Cindy, however, has masterfully forged her own glittering path, taking over the helm of the Emperor Watch & Jewellery subdivision and building upon her father’s success by transforming it into one of Asia’s most prestigious jewellers. With her commercial and creative skills, the company has expanded with dozens of stores throughout China, including the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau, as well as Singapore. Recently, Emperor Jewellery unveiled its stunning new retail store at premier lifestyle destination The Exchange TRX showcasing its immense range of fine jewellery as well as its incredible array of precious jade pieces.

Since joining the business, what has been your proudest achievement?

Before I joined, we relied on original equipment manufacturer (OEM) designs for our jewellery. Now, we have our own dedicated production team, complete with a talented design team and a procurement team for raw materials. This allows us to create unique, in-house jewellery designs. I am very passionate about this transformation, and today, people come to Emperor Jewellery for our exceptional designs and craftsmanship.

How did your experience shape your perspective and approach for Emperor Jewellery?

After returning from studying in the US, I spent a year working outside the family business. Although it wasn’t a long period, my father wanted me to rejoin the company. I gained valuable experience in the sales department and on the production line, working anonymously. This experience taught me the critical importance of the production process in setting our company apart from competitors.

Jade has been a cornerstone of Emperor Jewellery’s reputation; how does Emperor Jewellery continue to develop this market through its creations?

Many international brands, like Cartier and Tiffany & Co., rarely work with jade. As Chinese, we have a deep appreciation for this gemstone. I strive to blend Eastern and Western aesthetics, combining Asian designs with a touch of Western flair. Although some perceive of jade as old-fashioned, my goal is to make it trendy and appealing to younger generations. By incorporating Art Deco elements, I create artistic modern pieces that stand out. Once they experience the beauty of jade, they often become passionate collectors.

What is something new that you have recently tried for the first time? 

I recently took up cycling tours for the first time, exploring Croatia and the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. I also started learning ping pong and tennis now that my three children are grown up. Before I got married, I obtained a scuba diving license and enjoyed horse riding and golf, but paused these activities while raising my kids.

What apps do you use most often?

Spotify. Believe it or not, I frequently listen to the artists my children enjoy, such as Drake, because I love R&B. I also appreciate music from Justin Bieber, especially his song Die in Your Arms.

What do you think is worth paying for?

For me, it’s definitely jewellery. Since my daughter turned one, I’ve been buying her a one-carat diamond every year for her birthday. My plan is to give her a complete string of diamonds when she gets married. This approach is more meaningful than purchasing a ready-made necklace, as each diamond represents a chapter in a story we build together year by year.

What is a piece of advice you received that has helped you in your career?

My father taught me to always be punctual because it shows respect for other people’s time. If I have an appointment with someone, whether it’s for business or pleasure, I always arrive 15 minutes early. It’s also to help calm myself down.

What is your best business advice?

Although passion is essential for pursuing any endeavour, it is equally important to meticulously calculate costs and minimise overheads.

I am dedicated to creating and designing jewellery that resonates with my customers’ tastes and preferences, and finding the sweet spot between exquisite design and their investment for each jewellery piece.

Emperor Watch and Jewellery

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