Rhinos Without Borders

US$200,000 (RM 865,000)

• Flights between South Africa and Botswana
• Participate in a once-in-a-lifetime rhino capture experience and name the rhinos
• Three nights at a safari lodge in South Africa
• Private helicopter flight to Selinda Reserve and Maun Airport in Botswana
• Five nights on the Selinda Adventure Trail

Gift must be purchased by 1 September 2016

One rhino is killed every seven hours in South Africa. And you may just have the chance to save them. Embark on a journey to celebrate the ultimate gift — life — by saving two endangered rhinos in South Africa, and transporting them to their new home in Botswana.

Bespoke travel agency andBeyond has partnered the Great Plains Conservation and other government agencies to organise Rhinos Without Borders. This initiative will move up to 100 black and white rhinos from high density populations in South Africa to a lower density area in Botswana that is free of poachers.

The eight-night trip will see you travelling first to South Africa and coming up close and personal with the two rhinos as they are transported to a safer environment. You’ll get to learn about the challenges faced while fighting poachers, and watch as the team darts and captures the rhinos safely. You’ll also get to meet world-renowned wildlife filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dereck Joubert of Great Plains Conservation.

You’ll then board a private charter flight to Johannesburg, before hopping onto another plane to Botswana. On arrival, you’ll go on an aerial tour of the Great Plains Conservation Selinda Adventure trail via helicopter. You’ll then take part in a five-day canoe trail along the Selinda Spillway, getting a chance to view Botsawna’s largest herds of buffalos, elephants, roan antelopes, and rare African wild dogs.


Rhinos Without Borders

US$200,000 (RM 865,000)

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