Roll Your Own Cigars at Camp Camacho, Honduras

Cigar aficionados will once again be able to visit the fields, farms, and factories that produce Camacho cigars and even create a cigar of their own. Camacho will open the doors of its new manufacturing facility and spacious 12-room guest house after a 10-year hiatus. From February to April 2018, guests will get a vastly improved Camp Camacho experience located in the very heart of the Honduran tobacco-growing region.

A lot has happened to Camacho cigars since its founding in Nicaragua by the late Simón Camacho in 1961. The company was subsequently acquired by the Eiroa family in 1995, and operations were transferred to Danlí, Honduras. In 2008, Camacho became a part of the Oettinger Davidoff Group. Since then, Camacho has capitalised on its Cuban-seed heritage with a major brand revamping in 2015 and a new look to match the bold taste of its latest cigars, including the Nicaraguan Barrel Aged, American Barrel Aged and BXP Ecuador smokes.

The 4-day, three-night cigar-making venture will include a tour of the original Corojo farm in Jamastran, a Camacho factory tour, an in-depth blending and rolling seminar, a cigar and rum-pairing session, and a session in which you can build your own custom Camacho smoke. In addition, there will be a visit to La Tigra National Park — which includes optional zip-lining, hiking, and sightseeing — and a barbecue cookout, plus swimming.

Trip dates for 2018 will begin on February 7 and continue through April 7, 2018. There are 14 individual trips, and availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. Each Camp Camacho trip is limited to 18 guests, including lodging, ground transportation, experiences, food, cigars and beverages while in Honduras. Airfare to and from Honduras is separate and should be booked through Camacho’s travel agent, Jeff Lewis, at VIP Travel Consultant, Luxe Travel (

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